Master Mathematics
The research-oriented master's program in mathematics, which builds on the bachelor program Mathematics 100%, is intended to convey in-depth specialized knowledge and scientific methods of mathematics.
The Master Mathematics is designed as a 4 semester program leading to the academic degree Master of Science (M.Sc.).
Examinations and Credits Mathematics
The Office for Examinations and Credits Mathematics administers examination results in the bachelor's and master's programs in mathematics and the master's program in “Scientific Computing” as well as issues transcripts and certificates of academic achievements.
How is a Study Program in Mathematics at Heidelberg University Structured?

Facts und Figures
Degree | Master of Science (M. Sc.) |
Type of study | Consecutive |
Beginning of study | Winter and summer semester |
Standard period of study | 4 semesters |
Language(s) | German, some English |
Application procedure | Access restriction |
To complete the master's program, you need 120 credit points (Leistungspunkte or LP). Of these, 68 CP are allocated to the core courses in Mathematics (subject studies), 16 CP to an area of application, 6 CP to interdisciplinary skills (Übergreifende Kompetenzen or ÜK) and 30 CP to the bachelor's thesis.
Subject studies
The Mathematics content of the program is organized around the research interests of the faculty in the following areas:
- Algebra and arithmetic
- Applied analysis and modeling
- Geometry and topology
- Complex Analysis, automorphic forms, and mathematical physics
- Numerical analysis and optimization
- Statistics and Probability
Courses within each area are structured into sequences consisting of basic modules, advanced modules, and specialization modules.
- Basic modules (8CP) introduce a subfield based on the undergraduate education.
- Advanced modules (8CP) deepen the material of a subfield building on a basic module.
- Specialization modules (3-8CP) introduce special aspects of a subfield, usually closely related to current research.
Within these modules there are different courses, which are indicated in the module handbook. Several courses may be taken per module. The assignment of individual courses to a specific module can be recognized by the module code.
The subject study is structurally divided into compulsory modules, compulsory elective modules and elective modules.
- As compulsory modules, two seminars, the master thesis and the master seminar must be completed.
- As compulsory elective modules, one module in Pure Mathematics and one in Applied Mathematics (8CP each) must be completed. Basic and advanced modules can be chosen as compulsory elective modules. The areas of Algebra and Arithmetic, Geometry and Topology as well as Complex Analysis, Automorphic Forms and Mathematical Physics are assigned to Pure Mathematics. The areas of Applied Analysis and Modeling, Numerics and Optimization, and Statistics and Probability are assigned to Applied Mathematics.
- The elective modules with a total of 32CP can be chosen arbitrarily from the basic, advanced and specialization modules, as well as supplementary modules. To broaden the basic knowledge, up to two elective modules can be chosen from the range of the Bachelor's program in Mathematics, as far as these have not been included in the Bachelor's examination. Only modules from the compulsory elective area 1 to 3 are permitted. All other modules of the bachelor's degree program in mathematics cannot be used to broaden basic knowledge.
Application areas
Fields admissible as application area include:
- Computer Science
- Physics
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Economy
- Philosophy
Other subjects can be approved as application area upon request. Students may also request to replace the application area by modules from the Master program mathematics amounting to 16 CP.
Interdisciplinary Competencies
Admissible courses and activities include:
- Mathematical colloquium
- Software internship
- Internship in industry
- Summer Schools
- Exchange program
- Teaching assistant training
- ÜK courses offered at the university
Master Thesis
The Master thesis is a separate module subject to examination that concludes the scientific training. The purpose of the thesis is for the candidate to demonstrate their ability to work independently, and in a predetermined time-frame, on a mathematical problem with scientific methods. To register for the Master thesis, you need to provide proof of completion of at least 45 CP. Considering that preparatory work and evaluation of the thesis may take extra time, the faculty recommends that you look pro-actively and in a timely fashion for a thesis advisor and a thesis topic. If the Master thesis module is graded with 5,0, you may write another thesis on a different topic. Rewriting of a thesis on the same topic is not possible.
Forms Master Thesis
Degree Regulations, Admission Regulations, and Course Handbook (Current)
Older admission regulations, degree regulations, and course handbooks can be found in the download center.
Application and Enrollment
The Master program in Mathematics at Heidelberg University has limited enrollment and is subject to an admission process. All relevant documents, including evidence of previous degrees, have to be provided at the time of enrollment. Applications are processed via the heiCO web portal where applicants need to register and upload all required documents.
Admission Requirements
The exact criteria for admission to the Master program in Mathematics are specified in the admission regulations. The following requirements are essential:
- Above-average academic achievements in a successfully completed Bachelor degree program in Mathematics or else in a degree program with essentially the same content at a domestic or foreign university with a standard study period of at least three academic years or an equivalent degree.
- University graduation grade better than 2,7 (German scale)
- Subject-specific individual grades that can provide information about individual's suitability for the desired course of study
- Evidence of individual standing within the degree-granting institution during the final examination (ranking).
Individual who do not meet the above-mentioned criteria of above-average achievement or who have a background in a different field may, nevertheless, be admitted to the program. Decisions are always made on a case-by-case basis.
Required Documents
- High-school leaving certificate qualifying for general or subject-related higher education, or an equivalent university entrance qualification in an officially certified copy
- Bachelor degree certificate (or equivalent degree). May be replaced with a provisional certificate from the university for the first 5 semesters
- (Informal) Declaration that you have not forfeited the right to examination and are not currently subject to an exam procedure in any of these subjects
- Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of course and examination achievements (Transcript of Records)
- If applicable, further documents on relevant additional qualifications
Note that this is only a summarized overview of the required documents. For more information, please refer to Section 3 (2) of theAdmission Regulations. Further information on enrollment can be found on the website of the university administration.
Enrollment (Matriculation)
Upon receipt of your complete application, your file will be reviewed by our program coordinators. If you are admitted into the Master program, we will issue a certificate of admission (Zulassungsbescheid). External applicants will receive the certificate by regular mail to the address provided in the application. Applicants from Heidelberg University may pick up the certificate at the examination office. The certificate of admission must be presented to the Central University Administration when you enroll.
After you have received the letter of admission, you can use it to enroll in the Master’s degree in Mathematics. You will find all the information required for this in the letter of admission. You can also consult the Heidelberg University enrollment procedure and documents page.
German citizens / applicants holding a degree from a German University:
- Application deadline Winter semester: September 30
- Application deadline Summer semester: March 31
After admission, enrollment is possible until the end of the first week of lectures.
International applicants:
- Application period Winter semester: May 1 – June 15
- Application period Summer semester: October 1 – November 15