Mathematics and Scienfitic ComputingCourses Offered at Regular Intervals
Please be aware that this page is for orientation only. If you want to know what courses to take for your study program, look at the degree regulation and course handbook of your program. These are the only documents providing binding information on this topic. They can be found in the download center. Moreover, we provide an unbinding list of courses planned for future semesters.
Advanced Machine Learning | follows Fundamentals of Machine Learning |
Algebra 1 | yearly in winter |
Algebra 2 | yearly in summer |
Algebraische Topologie 1 | every other year |
Algorithm Engineering | yearly in summer |
Algorithms and Data Structures 2 | yearly in winter |
Analysis 1 | yearly in winter |
Analysis 2 | yearly in summer |
Complex Network Analysis | every other winter |
Computer Graphics | every third semester |
Computerspiele | yearly in summer |
Differentialgeometrie 1 | yearly in summer |
Discrete Structures 1 | yearly in winter |
Einführung in die Geometrie | yearly in summer |
Einführung in die Numerik | every semester |
Einführung in die Praktische Informatik | yearly in winter |
Einführung in die Theoretische Informatik | yearly in summer |
Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | at least every other semester |
Fachdidaktische Reduktion an ausgewählten Themen der Mathematik für das Gymnasium | yearly in winter |
Fachdidaktisches Seminar | yearly in summer |
Funktionalanalysis | yearly |
Funktionentheorie 1 | yearly in summer |
Geometric Modeling and Animation | every third semester |
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen | at least every fourth semester |
Grundlagen der Optimierung | yearly |
Help-Desk | every semester |
Höhere Analysis | yearly in winter |
Lineare Algebra 1 | yearly in winter |
Lineare Algebra 2 | yearly in summer |
Mathematikdidaktik für den Unterricht am Gymnasium | yearly in summer |
Mining Massive Datasets | at least every fourth semester |
Numerical Linear Algebra | yearly in winter |
Numerik | yearly in summer |
Object-Oriented Programming for Scientic Computing | yearly in summer |
Optimization for Machine Learning | yearly in winter |
Partielle Differentialgleichungen | at least every fourth semester |
Randomisierte Algorithmen | at least every fourth semester |
Scientific Visualization | every third semester |
Statistik | yearly in winter |
Text Analytics | every other winter |
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie | yearly in summer |