Bachelor Mathematics 100%

The Bachelor program 100% (single major) provides students with a broad basic training in Mathematics.

The Bachelor Mathematics 100% is designed as a 6 semester program leading to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). This academic degree is considered the first professional qualification and a prerequisite for the advanced Master Program in Mathematics or Scientific Computing.

How is a Study Program in Mathematics at Heidelberg University Structured?

Structure of a Mathematics Study Program at Heidelberg University

Facts and Figures


Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Type of study
Beginning of study
Winter semester only
Standard period of study
6 semesters
Application procedure
No admission restrictions


To complete the bachelor's degree, you need 180 credit points (Leistungspunkte or LP). Of these, 127 CP are allocated to the core courses in Mathematics (subject studies), 21 CP to an area of application, 20 CP to interdisciplinary skills (Übergreifende Kompetenzen or ÜK) and 12 CP to the bachelor's thesis. At least 5 CP of the ÜK are completed in Mathematics and at least 3 CP in an area of application.

Subject studies

Within the core courses in Mathematics, we distinguish between compulsory modules, required elective modules and elective modules. The compulsory modules must be completed in any case. 3 CP for the programming part of the introduction to practical computer science and 2 CP for subject didactics in the proseminar and seminar count towards the interdisciplinary competencies (ÜK). In order to ensure a broad basic education, at least 1 module must be completed in each of the following two elective areas “Pure Mathematics” and “Applied Mathematics” (required elective). An in-depth lecture must be chosen in at least one elective area; these are lectures whose title contains a 2, or those from the master’s degree. Finally, in the elective area, 16 LP must be completed in modules of your choice offered within mathematics. The content of the modules and specialization areas mentioned below is described in the course handbook.

Application areas

Fields admissible as application area:

  • Computer Science
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Economy
  • Philosophy

Other subjects can be approved as application area upon request.

Interdisciplinary Competencies

Of the total of 20 CP required in the area of interdisciplinary studies, 8 CP are covered by the programming, interdisciplinary and presentation components of the core courses in Mathematics and the area of application. The remaining 12 CP can be earned in any course offered as ÜK at the University.

Bachelor thesis

The purpose of the bachelor thesis is for students to show that they master mathematical methods required to work independently on a problem from Mathematics or an area of application within a specified period of three months. The bachelor thesis must begin no later than one week after successful completion of the last course-related examination.

Older admission regulations, degree regulations, and course handbooks can be found in the download center.

Application and Enrollment

The Bachelor of Mathematics 100% at Heidelberg University is not subject to admission restrictions and does not require an entrance examination. Accordingly, no application is required, only enrollment with the appropriate documents and required certificates. Please refer to the guide for the online application to find out which documents are requested.

Enrollment in the bachelor program Mathematics 100% is done online via the online application portal of Heidelberg University.

After you have received your letter of admission (which can be viewed in your applicant account), you can use it to enroll in the bachelor program Mathematics 100%. All information required for this can be found in the letter of admission. In addition, you can also consult the page “Enrollment Procedure and Documents” of Heidelberg University.

Enrollment Deadlines

German citizens:

  • First-time enrollees: 01.08. - 30.09.
  • Transfer students: 01.09. - 15.10.

International citizens with a German university entrance qualification from Germany:

  • First-time enrollees: 01.08. - 30.09.
  • Transfer students: 01.09. - 15.10.

International citizens without a German university entrance qualification from Germany will be notified of the enrollment period in the letter of admission.